British and American History: S1

This site is designed primarily for teachers and learners of English at UPPA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Power Point presentations UK and US history: text only as web pages

1: from the beginnings to the Plantagenets

2: from the Plantagenets to the Peasant's Revolt

3: from the Peasant's revolt to the "Glorious Revolution"

4: from Charles I to early 19th century philanthropists (some overlap)

5: from the first inhabitants of North America to the United States of America

6: Industrial Revolution/French Revolution (some overlap)

The following are Power Point presentations which you can download to your computer and consult using Power Point or Open Office (free)

7: Power Point (images will be footnoted/acknowledged as soon as I have time)

8: Power Point (images will be footnoted/acknowledged as soon as I have time)

9: Power Point (images will be footnoted/acknowledged as soon as I have time)

10: Power Point (images will be footnoted/acknowledged as soon as I have time)

American Civil War web sites: a selection:

A test on parts 1 to 5

Test with suggested answers

Useful links

Reading etc

Christopher HIBBERT, The Story of England

Jeremy BLACK. A History of the British Isles. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2003

I thoroughly recommend Simon Schama's TV series A History of Britain, available as DVDs and in book form (three substantial volumes). See extracts from the BBC web site.

Also very much worth watching: Alistair Cook's America. Only recently released as BBC DVDs.

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ppt 6

Site géré par Michael Parsons, créé le 26 octobre 2005

Dernière mise à jour mercredi 8 novembre 2006

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